“WooHoo, we’re Jumping for JOY!”
Love, Gratitude, Joy. It’s good to live at the Top of the RITE Ladder! Everything good can happen here…
Time flies when you’re not only having fun, but can bring that fun to others around the country, for a greater good. RITE Academy has been teaching Racial Intelligence and Race Equity for over 6 years to public service agencies, that has included Police, Fire, Corrections, EMS, and government agencies across the United States.
We have been blessed by the amazing people we have met, the stories we’ve heard and shared, and the miles we have traveled. It all wraps up into a priceless journey we wouldn’t trade for anything.
In the first 30 minutes of our class, most think RITE will be just another, “boring, brow-beating Diversity class. They quickly learn, the class is about helping them.”
RITE is a horse of a different color!
On the first break of our class, even the naysayers are realizing this class can help them.
“Wow, this class is totally not what I thought it was going to be… I’m really glad I am here, I needed to hear this today!”
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Program brings a fresh and fun instructional model that gets everyone off their feet. The fact is, if you make training fun and engaging, most in the class will learn something that they will share with others.
RITE gives Tools to everyone in class that can be utilized daily, at work and at home. Here is a link to some of our training photos from a recent event at the Washington DC Corrections.
Racial equity can be defined as “the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair.” The concept of equity is synonymous with fairness and justice..”
Racial Equity Improves Officer Wellness
If you’ve ever heard a flight attendant say, “in case of an emergency, place your oxygen masks on before you help others,” then you’ll understand similarities in RITE classes. Making sure you have air to breathe, first, allows you to help others.
In RITE Training we teach the same thing, that you have to help yourself before you can truly help someone else. We believe in helping the Officer first, with understanding what they are feeling with emotional intelligence, before they can help others with social intelligence.
RITE is the first training that gives officers Racial Equity Tools to utilize every day. You can’t expect to understand your implicit bias unless you first start working on youself personally to know what you are feeling inside, in the moment.
Unprofessional employees can be toxic to an organization. In heated situations they’ll act out with misconduct. ~ Linda Webb
The Ticking Time-Bomb Employee
One unprofessional mishap, (Block-Out Syndrome) from a ticking time-bomb employee could be devasting to their own career, a public service organization, as well as destroying public trust in the community.
Professional Workplace Culture – ‘The New Day’
Have you ever had a negative Chief or Commander who didn’t get along with anyone? Then they retire, or move on, and folks are still talking about how bad it was before they left… ONE year ago, FIVE years ago? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
“We’ve been across the county teaching large and small agencies. Although the faces change, the issues are all the same. You think you are the only agency with internal strife, but we can tell you, you are not.” ~Randy Friedman
If you truly want to build up your organization with a professional workplace culture program that establishes stronger professional guidelines, accountability standards, documented training, and a ‘New Day’ standard of professionalism, RITE may be the right way to go.
RITE Achievements over the last 6 Years:
- Trained over 850 Public Service Agencies
- 675 Master RITE Trainers in agencies across the nation
- Racial Intelligence is nationally accredited by IADLEST
- Recognized by the Bi-Parisian Committee on Police Reform in Washington D.C.
- Includes Racial Equity, De-escalation Communication, Duty-to-Intervene
- Nationally recognized by most news media outlets with positive coverage
We have had amazing success in big cities like Pittsburgh, Little Rock, Fayetteville, Orlando, and Nashville (to name a few), helping to improve the relationship between police and communities.
Our RITE 675 nationwide instructors have had fun teaching this course, while give public service professionals the education, and take-away tools so that they utilize them at work and at home.
Chiefs and Mayors endorse RITE
Many leaders like Police chiefs, Fire chiefs, Corrections commissioners and Mayors have endorsed the RITE program. Progressive leaders know that change starts at the top. If leaders don’t embrace new ideas and training, the rest of the agency won’t either.
Here is the link to Mayor’s video and article from Orange County.
Concept of Racial Intelligence
What is Racial Intelligence? is the use of Emotional Intelligence (You), and Social Intelligence (Others) to treat yourself and others fairly, while being respectful of everyone’s differences. Racial Equity (Fairness to everyone)
Racial Intelligence Training creates a Professional Workplace Culture that includes:
- Racial Intelligence Bias Free Community with Racial Equity
- Accountability Tools (Issued to All Employees)
- Cultural SOP and Guidelines
- RITE Pledge for a Bias Free Culture
- RITE’s Emergency Response (Step In, Tap-Out, Take Over)
Proof is in the Pudding (the numbers)
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Training improves a police department’s culture while building community trust. After one year of implementation in using the RITE Tools, and implementing RITE’s cultural guidelines, police departments have showed these six significant improvements:
- Can Reduce the department’s use-of force actions up to 65%
- Reduction in police complaints by 60%
- Limited excessive use-of-force actions against the community members
- Increased police compliments from the public by 50%
- Bias-free environment inside the department and community.
- Emergency Response – Step In, Tap Out, Take Over – Duty to Intervene
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Program has helped over 700 police agencies (2015-2020) and progressive police chiefs who have adopted RITE’s Racial Intelligence Culture have seen first-hand how the 3-prong approach has made significant impacts throughout their department and their community. (Harvard University, Pittsburgh, Fayetteville, Norman Ok, Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Little Rock Ark.)
- Improved police officer’s lives at work and home
- Improved department morale
- Built community trust and respect for community
RITE’s Police Accountability for each participant. (All Levels – Executive – All Sworn and Non-Sworn Public Service Personnel)
- Accountability Tools
- RITE Pledge Document for their personnel file.
RITE’s Accountability Component is what RITE can defend in court, while giving police leaders the accountability of holding their public service professionals accountable for their actions.
Our class is the only Nationally Certified Diversity Class approved by IADLEST. (Police Training Credentials)
One-and-done, Check-the-box training… does NOT work, if you really want to see change.
Multiple prong approach for cultural change within the police department.
- Executive Police Leaders make a commitment Racial Intelligence Cultural Guidelines
- Each participant (Police Officers and non-civilian employees – Like dispatchers) take the training, and they must receive ‘accountability tools” (In-service training and academy)
- Each participant after taking the classroom test sign the RITE Pledge – Bias-Free Culture
- Leaders reinforce the new culture – RITE Posters, Banners, and Roll Call Cards
- Monitor Use-of-force – employee with multiple use of force or complaints must attend refresher RITE training on professional workplace cultural. (Your department RITE trainers)
- Emergency Response (Step In, Tap Out, Take Over): see something against departmental policy, unethical, or excessive un-necessary use-of-force (response-to-resistance)
RITE links
Link to RITE YouTube videos
https://riteacademy.com/media/rite-news-coverage/ TV coverage, Press releases
https://riteacademy.com/media/testimonials/ What others say about RITE
https://riteacademy.com/blog/ Free articles and info to share
RITE Training helps ALL public service agencies improve communication to avoid the Block-out Syndrome, to De-escalate situations, build Career resiliency, Leadership skills, and Departmental recruiting. Contact us about how to bring RITE TRAINING to your agency.
Our class is the only Nationally Certified Diversity Class approved by IADLEST. (Police Training Credentials)
Police Leaders Across America Speaking out on RITE
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Culture and Training Include:
- Racial Equity, Implicit Bias, Bias Based Policing, and ‘What’s Your Hot Button?’
- Police Accountability – Stringent Cultural SOP and Guidelines
- Recognizing Stages of Block Out Syndrome
- Emergency Response – Step In, Tap Out, Take Over
- Racial Intelligence – To Include Emotional/Social intelligence (Bias Training)
- Unprofessional Behavior – Use of Profanity, Rumors & Gossip, & Negative Banter
- Bias Free Community Policing
- Empathy Communication: Learn to walk in another’s shoes
- Behavioral Self Control – Creating Space of Mind
- De-escalation Communication
- 7-types of Workplace Harassment
- The Entitlement Complex & Mental Looping
- Improper Social Media Posting