To navigate around toxic co-workers the two methods that have been around for a long time are Gray Rocking and learning to PIVOT
Mentorship vs Misconduct – Balancing the Scales of Conduct for Public Service
Life is a constant act of finding balance. And depending on what stage of life your career is in, life will throw you curves that test you. The question is when you do get tested… do you seek out a mentor or do you create misconduct?
Respect for all people and all professions is Racial equity
Respect for all people and all professions is Racial equity
Justice department updates use-of-force with affirmative duty-to-intervene
President Biden signed the Executive Order for training in verbal de-escalation communication with Emotional Intelligence, and affirmation duty-to-intervene.
EDI with Emotional Intelligence adds Value to Public Service
Officer Wellness, increases the health, well-being, and mindfulness, of everyone inside the organization. Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps build better EDI relationships inside the agency, and out.
Rebuilding the Blue Wall of Silence into Trust
The Blue Wall is a symbol of family trust, all swearing by oath and duty to serve and protect.
Committing all the elements of the law enforcement oath of honor, is committing to the Blue Wall of Trust inside the agency and
NAWLEE Conference Reaches for the Sky… Aiming High on RITE Emotional Intelligence
The 2022 NAWLEE Conference in Miami, many discussions were about unnecessary use of force and how emotions play a big part in the de-escalation.
Stop the Workplace Bully with a Duty to Intervene
Bullying comes in many shapes and forms. From physical abuse, to verbal abuse, and social exclusion to cyber bullying. These are all unacceptable.
An officers perception could Delay their Duty to intervene
Block-out Syndrome’, when you make a self-serving decision that could harm others. Officer’s Duty-to-Intervene to Step in, Tap out, and Take over the situation.
5 Ways Public Safety Leaders can Avoid The Perfect Storm
Let the perfect storm blow over your agency because you have taken proactive steps to help shelter your employee’s safety through the rough times, bad times, and even the good times.
How GroundHog Day could change your Life for the Better
Ever found yourself stuck, waking up to (what feels like) the same day over and over and over… like you’re going nowhere? It’s likely you are stuck… in the rut of life. In Groundhog Day, Bill Murray wakes up 6:00am to the same day…
Good, Bad, and Destructive Choices Made in Public Service
When it comes to working with the public, some choices come with a price. The simple concept of ‘learning to take a breath’ before making a poor choice, is a lesson everyone in public service needs to learn.
3 Steps that create forward Momentum into the New Year
How you react to things today, will influence your reactions to things in the future. And how you view things as a positive or negative in your life, will bring more of those things into your life…
How Bear Bryant used ‘New Day’ to Improve his Football Team’s Attitude
It’s common to have one bad employee bring down agency morale. It doesn’t matter whether your agency is police, fire, or corrections, every department has a few bad apples with bad attitudes.
Misconduct and Toxic Employees who lack Emotional Intelligence
Workplace Bully can take you from being HAPPY to ANGRY within seconds. Toxic employees know how to push your buttons, voice their negative banter, and tell everyone how bad work is. And it is ‘never THEIR fault.’
Emotional Intelligence is a Vital Sign for Public Safety
Emotional Intelligence is a VITAL that should be checked. It is just as critical as your physical vitals, but often overlooked. Having just the basic understanding…
Failure to Recognize Block-Out Syndrome, Faceless Killer in Public Service
Block-out can happen during a very stressful event or during mental overload. This mental overload can build over time like a pressure-cooker. When the pressure becomes too great, it blows….
4 Steps of Cumulative Career Trauma for Police, Fire, and Corrections Officers
In Step Four, You finally reach your ‘Breaking Point’, where Cumulative Career Trauma has set in. The following signs may appear.
Firefighters are Climbing an Emotional Intelligence Ladder for Mental Health
We can’t expect a firefighter to carry the heavy burden of ongoing trauma without giving them mental strategies to deal with this stress. When you hear “I’m Fine,” or “I’m good,” and your gut is telling you something is not right… they are likely NOT FINE at all!
Officers Knowing and Believing the price of VALUE
What Value have you offered (or taken away from) the public service profession? Your VALUE becomes your life-story. How you make a difference for yourself, the profession, and within the community you serve becomes your story.
Racial Equity and Emotional Intelligence Grants and Funding Resources for Public Service
Since late May, Grabois said, financial commitments by companies to racial equity causes have grown “exponentially larger” than any other cause other than COVID-19.
RITE Celebrates 6 Years of Teaching Racial Equity to Public Service Agencies
Time flies when you’re having fun, and bringing a bit of that fun to others. RITE Academy has been teaching Racial Intelligence and Race Equity for over 6 years to public service…
Racial equity with Emotional Intelligence can Reduce Use-of-Force Incidents
Racial Equity lives inside the Racial Intelligence model of treating everyone fairly.
MILWAUKEE — 14 Wisconsin police departments went through RITE Academy training this week
At the height of civil unrest last summer, area chiefs, including West Allis Police Chief Patrick Mitchell, recognized the need to bring in a new training program.
Emotional Intelligence reduces Golf scores and Misconduct
When our emotional well-being gets shifted negatively, misconduct can occur. These negative events or triggers can be connected to our ‘hot buttons’, or things that piss us off to a point that we can take our anger and frustration out on others.