$9.5 million in Funding
There is approximately $9.5 million in funding available through the FY 2023 LEMHWA implementation projects. Each award is two years (24 months) in duration for a maximum of $200,000 per award. There is no local match.
RITE Academy Fits this Grant
Professional Workplace
Employees with Emotional intelligence regulate themselves under stress. They won’t bully others, stereotype people, or compromise their own values by putting others down. Self-regulation which is part of Emotional intelligence, is about staying in control, to help everyone improve the agency.
RITE helps Officers develop knowledge, increase awareness of their own mental health and wellness strategies, increase the communication skills and abilities in law enforcement.
RITE encourages law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders with peer support, training, family resources, PTSD and suicide awareness, and other practices for wellness programs.
Solicitation Documents
- LEMHWA Implementation Projects: Solicitation Guide
This solicitation guide includes general information on the administrative and legal requirements governing the COPS Office LEMHWA program as well as detailed program-specific information. - Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness (LEMHWA) Program Resources
The COPS Office webpage includes Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness (LEMHWA) Program Reports to Congress and case studies, along with other COPS Office Resources and our partners across the Federal Government. - LEMHWA Pre-Award Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides quick reference information on the LEMHWA program. - LEMHWA Frequently Asked Questions
- Budget Narrative Template
- FY 23 Reference Guide for Community Policing Advancement (CPA) Programs: Award Certifications and Assurance, Award Terms and Conditions and additional requirements
DEADLINE to APPLY is April 14, 2023
GRANT WRITERS – We’ve put everything you need into this 30 page overview. document. Use any or all of it to help you.
The Fiscal Year 2023 Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program funds are used to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement through the implementation of peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs.
The FY23 LEMHWA program will fund projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs.
The FY23 LEMHWA program has two open solicitations:
- LEMHWA Implementation Projects
- LEMHWA National Level Resources, Training, and Technical Assistance
The LEMHWA Implementation Projects solicitation aims to support state, local, tribal, or territorial law enforcement agencies seeking to implement new or enhance existing programs that offer training and services on officer emotional and mental health, peer mentoring, suicide prevention, stress reduction, and support services for officers and their families Proposed projects may serve one agency, a consortium of agencies, or personnel from agencies located within a county or state.
Who is Eligible?

Why RITE Works?
RITE Academy Stats
- Taught over 1100 agencies (police, fire, 911, doc)
- Certified over 750 RITE train-the-trainers
- Gave out more than 550,000 RITE Tools for employees
- Provided over 100 newsletters for agencies
- Helped agencies reduce their use-of-force incidents by 65% with Affirmative Duty-to-Intervene Training
- Educated local governments, state, and federal representative on public safety reform
- Established EDI Professional Workplace Culture Training dedicated to Public Safety that includes de-escalation communication with Emotional Intelligence.
About RITE
At RITE Academy provides training to fire, police, EMS, 911 operators and corrections officers. EDI and EI Tools and Exercises help each person personally control their emotions. It’s a huge Ah-ha when you finally ‘wake up’ and realize that you have been holding yourself back.
Every class receives Cognitive Imprint Tools; the LADDER, Stop-Light, and NEW DAY Tools and Banners are included in the training, and left behind for the agency to use. RITE is not a one and done class!
Over 1100 police and public service agencies have benefited from RITE Training, with an almost immediate improved workplace culture inside the agency. RITE has trained these are more: Harvard UPD, Pittsburgh, Fayetteville, Norman, Little Rock, Broward CSO, Orange CSO, U of Alabama, Washington DOC, and most recently University of Texas Austin System Police.
RITE Academy qualifies for this grant. Follow these steps
- Have grant writer click on link, and complete application.
- Required supporting documentation needed (30 pages of documentation)