Whether there was actual wrong-doing or misconduct, the public’s negative perception of the community, is now the reality . The department’s negative banter and scrutiny…

Toxic Employees and Misconduct inside every Agency
Toxic employees know exactly how to push your buttons. They are always voicing their own negative opinions, talking about how bad it is at work and how it is, “NEVER they’re fault.”

Pittsburgh Police get Professional Workplace Training that Improves Emotional Intelligence
Pittsburgh police received a different kind of training this week, one focusing on turning inward in order to better their outward interactions with their colleagues, their families and their communities. Racial Intelligence Training and Engagement was…

Crab Bucket Mentality and Workplace Misconduct
The crabs pulling others down in the bucket are living a mediocre, ordinary existence. This is typically caused by implicit issues that were likely created a long time ago…

Community Policing is affected by Officer Implicit Bias and Implicit Issues
Do you have employees who show up to work angry? It may be because they are bringing into the work environment their own issues. Those same angry employees may be harboring Implicit…

Training Police Officers on Social Media in Plain View
Police walk a fine line every day, that’s a bit of a balancing act. They work to keep their community safe from violent criminals, while making sure that every one of their officers handle calls in a professional, and timely manor.

When Policing Value goes Up, Community Complaints go Down
Professional Workplace Culture Training includes how Emotional Intelligence effect everyone in the department. Including your officers, dispatchers, leaders and non-sworn in this training is key to creating cultural changes, as everyone represents the agency,

6 Signs a Bully is causing your Workplace Harassment Issues
Bullying may take many forms, from physical assault, verbal abuse, and social exclusion to cyber bullying.

National Police Week, RITE Honors Fallen Officers
We should honor our fallen officers by making a concerted effort to help those who are currently still working in the profession, while we mourn and praise those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Pittsburgh Marathon runners Finish with Sportsmanship, Camaraderie, and Courage
Marathoner’s words of encouragement kept her motivated and confident.

Professional Workplace Culture is Reducing Police Misconduct
RITE’s Training Model has proven to help the public service professional in over 450 police agencies. RITE’s learning methodology has proven results, and has been able to help public safety reform.

PTSD Resiliency Training is Much Needed
“Finding great public service professionals are hard enough to find. Losing them to PTSD and Suicide needs to be (and can be) prevented.”

Use of Voice not Force | Fred Jones | TEDxEustis on RITE
What an honor to have our good friend and RITE Trainer, Sgt. Jones present at Tedx, in Feb 2019. Fred Jones, of Lake County Sheriff’s Office, gave an amazing Talk in Eustis, Florida, on how RITE’s Racial Intelligence Training can help many officers reduce Use of Force.

Cleveland County Sheriff Includes RITE Training in Community Forum
Since coming into office, Sheriff Todd Gibson has implemented a Community Advisory Board for the jail and Racial Intelligence Training and Engagement for his deputies to better interact with people of all backgrounds.

University police dive into advanced cultural training
RITE factors in a person’s implicit bias toward a situation based on social factors such as religion or class. “We all grow up thinking things are supposed to be a certain way,” said Gardner, who noted RITE training takes steps to help officers discover what might trigger a bias.

Training Combats Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment starts with a breakdown in communication and a lack of training. Harassment training should be reinforced every 4 years.

Saying Thank You – A Powerful Police Tool
Police Officers may not always communicate that they are ‘appreciative’ to come when they are called. Empathy Communication takes practice and patience

Harassment Training Enhanced by Emotional Intelligence Improves Police Culture
The angry, disrespectful, entitled employee can make your department culture difficult for your good employees to be their best. When these issues go unaddressed

Earning Respect in the Workplace
Bullying, entitlement, and demeaning others can crush a department. Jokes and Pranks can be the stone that causes the glass house to break into a million pieces. Don’t be that person that brings your agency down.

7 Entitlement Personalities that Lack Emotional Intelligence
When someone has a sense of entitlement, they believe they deserve privileges, above and beyond others around them. And most can sense the arrogance they carry…

CBS Channel 6 OK Reports – Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office Taking Part In RITE Training
“The RITE training isn’t about placing blame, it’s about knowing ourselves better, putting ourselves in another person’s shoes and learning how get a handle on our own emotions so we don’t go into a situation angry.”

NEW Cultural Diversity Training for Officers includes Implicit Bias
We are not born with implicit bias, we are not with Love, we are not born with Hate… this is a learned behavior and it is ebbs and flows

Local Police near Chicago attend racial, emotional intelligence training seminar
DeKALB, IL – DeKalb and Northern Illinois University police officers learned about how racial and emotional intelligence can help them better serve their communities during a training seminar Wednesday. The…

Officer Norman Connects with Community using Emotional Intelligence
Officer Norman isn’t your typical police officer. He inspires people in his community every day. Watch him in action and take his advice to heart

Life Lesson: School Resource Officer Mitch, Impacts Students beyond Belief
Student resource officer Mitch not only protects the teens at the school, but supports them and step in when they need some advice.