When one officer loses Control…
Think back to a time when you lost total control of a situation, (back when there were no cameras rolling)? When was the last time you found yourself getting frustrated, and irritated at how someone was talking to you? When was the last time you witnessed your partner lose control? … These are ALL things that could lead to Block-out!
It happens to everyone….no matter what their profession may be. We all have the ability to go into Block-out, but in public service we must learn how to control it.
We see it in the media almost weekly…
after a long career in public service, they do something stupid (that gets caught on camera). They lose their career, they lose their pension, they lose their freedom, and they lose their family! More and more, we see ‘Block-out’ end public service careers… it’s time to Step in, Tap out, and Take over!
If you have ever worked on the streets, or in the jails, or at the fire house with a toxic employee, then you have probably witnessed one of those moments.
- You Hear no one (Just your own voice, telling you, ‘Take control’)
- You Feel nothing (Only negative emotions like Blame, Anger, or Fear)
- You See no outcome (Other than your own… and it’s not a good one!)
It only takes 2 seconds to flash into Block-Out Syndrome. RITE Training Emergency Response teaches partners to immediately intervene. ~ Linda Webb
Duty to Intervene increases Racial Equity
RITE’s Professional Workplace Culture Classes educates with a cultural competency that increases racial equity for all. Reinforcing acceptable on-the-job behavior for everyone in the agency, especially if they interact with community members is big. Everyone in your department should continually work on their OWN emotions, so that when they engage with Others (SI – Social Intelligence) they will be professional and courteous.
Executive Leaders need to reinforce in their leadership memorandums, policies and training to reinforce that unprofessional workplace culture WILL NOT be tolerated. As leaders you cannot have toxic employees within your department ranks with self-serving agendas (like Entitlement Complex, Crab Bucket Mentality).
Duty-to-Intervene Protocols should be implemented in all public service departments including Police, Fire, EMS, and Corrections standard operating procedures as part of their Professional Workplace Culture Policies and racial equity plans.
Reinforcing Duty-To-Intervene protocols every year in your annual in-service training should be mandatory. This makes it very clear that every public servant has a DUTY to intervene when witnessing unprofessional workplace culture.
Reducing Excessive Use-of-Force
When a situation escalates does your agency have an acceptable practice to immediately initiate intervening protocols? Do you allow your officers to…
1. Step In
2. Tap Out
3. Take Over
Taking intervening action is not a sign of weakness, but instead may save someone’s career in public service as well as save a community members life.
In public service you cannot anticipate when your ‘Block-Out’ moment will occur, but you can control you own emotions with practice ~ Linda Webb
“No place for Courageous Cowards, in Racial Equity”
Sheriff Tony says, “there’s no room for ‘courageous cowards‘ in public service. He said we must have zero-tolerance for any racial bias whether it’s inside the agency, or outside in the community.
True bravery is ferreting out and turning in any toxic employee who does not carry out an agency’s values, ethics and canons.
Mayors Endorse RITE Training
Cities across the nation have realized that in order to have better police-community relations that part of building bias-free relations, requires racial equity plan commitment to includes RITE Professional Workplace Culture Program.
Over 700+ Police Departments are using the RITE Model, with Proven results to enhance their professional workplace culture.
Racial Intelligence Training creates a Professional Workplace Culture Program that includes:
- Racial Intelligence Training – Bias Free Community
- Accountability Tools (Issued to All Employees)
- Professional Workplace Cultural SOP and Guidelines
- Chief’s Memorandum
- RITE Pledge stating we observe a Bias-Free Culture
An Officer’s Duty to Intervene should be an SOP policy in every police agency. The RITE Training Emergency Response is to Step in, Tap out, and Take over
Chief Rob Hicks learned the hard way!
One of the key things I got out of this Training, was even though you may have a bad start, you’ve had a bad day, you’re “low on the ladder” and you realize that your interaction is not going well… you can stop, you can rethink, you can apologize for how you just acted or justcorrect yourself… It’s not too late, you can always De-escalate. Watch Video
The RITE program has taught public safety departments how to build stronger professional workplace culture while reinforcing their Duty-to-Intervene Protocols.
If your agency is looking for alternative ways to improve officers De-escalation communication, unbiased policing, cultural diversity and officer wellness, contact us. RITE is committed to officer career resiliency. Let’s keep our officers safe!
RITE’s Racial Intelligence Culture and Training Includes:
Empathy Communication: Learn to walk in another’s shoes
Behavioral Self Control – Creating Space of Mind
De-escalation Communication
7-types of Workplace Harassment
The Entitlement Complex & Mental Looping
Improper Social Media Posting
RITE in the NEWS
RITE Training helps public service agencies improve communication to avoid the Block-out Syndrome, to De-escalate situations, build Career resiliency, Leadership skills, and Departmental recruiting. See our EVENTS page for our next training. Contact us about TRAINING for your agency.