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Racial Intelligence 2-Day TRAINER Class for ADOC: Jan 24-25, 2018 (Selma, AL)

January 24, 2018 - January 25, 2018

RITE Train-the-Trainer for Corrections


This is a private 2-day train-the-trainer RITE is conducting for Alabama Department of Corrections 40 staff trainers. ADOC has taken proactive measures to train their officers with better tools to improve communication, on the job and off.

Teaching critical components of both Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI), improves resiliency awareness, as well as personal and professional relationships, inside and outside department walls. Mindfulness training starts with Emotional Intelligence. Understanding others comes from understanding one’s self.

Emotional Intelligence is being aware of our emotions, and to acknowledge that emotions can drive behavior that impacts others (positively and negatively). Social Intelligence is how we effectively navigate and negotiate all social relationships and situations.


The Train-the-Trainer Racial Intelligence Course is the most progressive cultural diversity training on the market today, because it helps the officer understand their EI and SI for improved communication. Racial Intelligence combines Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI), which has been successfully used in corporations for years.


Definition of Racial Intelligence: “The practice of using Emotional Intelligence (EI), Social Intelligence (SI), and the RITE Tools, to treat ourselves and others fairly.” Learn more about EI and SI here…


How does the RITE model work?

Old cultural diversity training (teach officers what they’re doing wrong) doesn’t work. RITE builds the officer’s communication skills (first), so they can engage better with others (second). De-escalation techniques, Implicit bias understanding using EI, empowers the officer with better, smarter decision-making. Improved engagement and morale is noticed in the department, and builds Community trust.


Trainers learn the RITE 3-prong approach:

  1. Officer Communication Skills: Emotional Intelligence Tools for Resiliency and De-escalation; to use personally and professionally
  2. Improve the Department: Social Intelligence helps with Recruiting, Improve morale, and Accountability
  3. Build the CommunityRelations: Enhance public trust


2-minute Videos from new instructors:

[huge_it_videogallery id=”4″]


The 2-Day Training Overview:

  • Two (2) days filled with fun, engaging lessons, videos, laughter and lots to learn!
  • (6) key modules of Emotional (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI)
  • Trainers become Certified to teach “RITE Officer Wellness Course” (4 CEU)
  • Certified to teach the (6) RITE principles for improved officer wellness
  • How to use and teach (4) RITE Tools – the KEY to RITE Training
  • Use of (3) large instructor banners for teaching and roll call motivation
  • Includes RITE Instructor Manual, Trainer Tools, Materials, Instructor Power Point, Teaching aids, RITE Instructor Certificate and More!
  • *(2) RITE staff trainers teach with various concepts, videos, stories and teaching styles

*(2) RITE staff trainers teach the 2-day Training. We suggest departments send at least *(2) trainers to this class, as it is more effective in rolling it out, and will give you the back-up trainer(s) if ever needed.


Training Site:

Alabama Criminal Justice Training Center
1003 Charles Byrd Blvd.
Selma Al. 36703


2-Day Agenda:

8:00 – 8:30 am         Registration and Coffee
8:30 – 11:45 am         Morning session
11:45 – 12:45 pm        Lunch Break
12:45 – 4:00 pm         Afternoon session



Alabama Criminal Justice Training Center
1003 Charles Byrd Blvd
Selma, AL 36703 United States
View Venue Website

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