The Olympics show us THE best athletes in the world competing for the top spot. What separates the gold medal winners from the silver and bronze, often comes down to their emotional control.
What separates the angry officer who always escalates the call, to the officer who remains calm and focused under pressure… is emotional control.
Olympians understand the time and dedication it takes combining physical practice, mental focus, and a deep desire to win.
They are keenly aware that their emotions will either help them or sabotage them at the finish line. It is this clarity of emotions, that drive to not give up, and the will to win that influences their success.
“I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds… and people give up when they don’t see results in 2 months.” ~ Usain Bolt.
3 Stages of Emotional Intelligence Performance:
- Emotions drive behavior
- Behavior drives performance
- Performance drives better outcomes
If your emotions are in ANGER or Frustration, it will be very difficult to achieve anything great. Emotional Intelligence is not difficult, it’s just an awareness of one’s self and how to regulate our emotions… especially under pressure.
When we get angry, our blood pressure goes up, our breathing becomes shallow, and we can’t make rational decisions because oxygen is reduced in our brain.
No one can make you mad if you are in complete control of your emotions. If you let others influence you negatively, then you are letting others control you.
You may have stayed mad for long periods of time due to:
- Divorce or broken relationship
- Missed that promotion you wanted
- Jealous of others, wanting what they have
Even in public service, when your emotions are out of control, you will make bad decisions, ultimately hurting your career, hurting others, effecting your department and the community.
5 Olympic Rings towards Emotional Greatness
- Staying focused on your Core Values
- Increase Mental Health and Wellness
- Block out negative Influences (Toxic People)
- Reduce Mental Looping of Negativity
- Apply the Law of Attraction – Like attracts Like
Core Values:
Identify (3) Core Values that are very important to you. (ie: family, faith, and health). Write those core values down on an index card. Say those core values at least (3) times a day.
It is important you believe in your core values as they are the true drivers that keep you focused on what is important to you.
It is even more important that as part of your core values that you don’t lose yourself in your WORK.
Do you LIVE TO WORK? Meaning that all your focus is on working, losing sight of health, fitness, family. Instead WORK to live a better LIFE. Work-Life Balance is Important.
Officer Mental Health and Wellness
If you find yourself depressed, angry, and frustrated more than being happy, it may be time to work on your mental health and wellness.
“We have to protect our mind and our body, rather than just go out there and do what the world wants us to do.” ~ Simone Biles
Simone Biles, the most decorated Olympic Gymnast, knew when she mentally could not perform at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. She took two years off, focusing on mental health and wellness. This was not a sign of weakness but of strength. Now in the 2024 Olympics in Paris she has excelled, but she could not have, if she did not take that time to work on herself.
Outside Toxic Influencers
When you are trying to achieve your best, you cannot be influenced by naysayers or negative people. The average person spends over 50% of their workdays listening to outside toxic influencers.
When confronted with toxic naysayers, PIVOT in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. Keep moving forward towards a positive environment.
Mental Looping – Internal Negative Thoughts
Becoming aware of your emotional intelligence is as simple as listening to your inner coach. If you say to yourself, “I am so Stupid,” then you will continue to demean yourself and not perform your best.
Be your best coach and stop yourself from having negative thoughts. When you are mental looping, you are not moving forward in life, and you are not living to achieve your Olympic Moment.
Listen to what you are saying to yourself, as this is the key.
Pick someone at work and/or home to be your accountability partner. Someone who will hold you accountable if you continue to mental loop over things.
Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a thought law. In the simplest terms, what you sow is what you reap, or what you think is what comes back to you. Think of it like this ….
When you tell yourself positive thoughts you are affirming… “I want THIS to happen!”
This is especially true when you are making goals for yourself. Having laser focus on positive goals will keep your focus on exactly what you want to achieve.
Your Olympic moment in life is waiting for you to take it. Remember, the people who believe they can change the world… are the ones who do!
About RITE
RITE Training helps Officer’s improve communication that betters officer mental health and wellness. When you learn to control your emotions, you learn to control every situation, and help others in need. Contact us on how to bring RITE to your agency.