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Professional Workplace with Emotional Response for TRAINERS (Tennessee)
June 13, 2024 - June 14, 2024
RITE’s Train-the-Trainer is nationally recognized in encouraging a bias-free workplace. Our classes include a unique combination of emotional intelligence skill-building, that includes years of research to give your employees a sole-source experience that can not be duplicated.
RITE Academy is the ONLY Training Company that teaches Racial Equity with EI and SI for Police, Fire, Corrections, and City employees
Attention: Police, Fire, Corrections, 911 Leaders – Click ‘Private Events’ to Book this critical training for your Agency
Emotional health issues are a known risk to an officer’s health and well-being. This training is a MUST for every first responder.
When Officer’s Mental Health Declines
- Depression, anxiety, and PTSD
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), officers report higher rates of depression, burnout, PTSD, and anxiety than the general population. - Lack of Productivity
- Even when available, most won’t seek help
- Officer suicide
Many times coworkers and zone partners escalate situations because they themselves are in a negative space. Having emotional self-control means you value yourself, and are willing to work on yourself. But not all officers know how to ASK for help.
RITE includes Emotional Response Training (ERT) to help officers learn to recognize signs and symptoms of stress, PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. ERT offers ways and means to build up positive mental health for every officer, and a way to work on themselves in their own space and time.
This 2-day Train-the-Trainer is nationally recognized in encouraging a bias-free workplace, that helps builds morale and community trust.
“RITE Training benefits ALL in Public Service”
With proven RESULTS that RITE Training decreases use of force, Racial Intelligence combines Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI), which has been successfully used in corporations for years. This helps your department develop a bias-free community.
“The practice of using Emotional Intelligence (EI), Social Intelligence (SI), and the RITE Tools, to treat ourselves and others fairly.” Learn more about EI and SI…
Summary of what Trainers will learn:
- Officer Communication Skills: Emotional Response Tools for Officer Wellness, Resiliency, and De-escalation; to use personally and professionally
- Improve the Department: Social Intelligence helps with Bias-free policing, Recruiting, Improve morale, and Accountability
- Build the Community Relations: Bias-free policing will Enhance public trust
The 2-Day Training Overview:
- Emotional Response Training (ERT) control emotions in pressure situations
- Implicit and Explicit Bias, Hot-Buttons, and PTS-D
- Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI) modules
- Build Racial Equity and Bias-Free Culture throughout the department
- Professional workplace practices
- RITE model orientation in police academy recruit training
- Learn to avoid ‘Block-Out Syndrome’ on 95% of calls
- Emergency Response (Step In, Tap Out, Take Over)
- De-escalation Communication with Behavioral Self Control
- ERT TOOLS for your mental health advocates, CIT, etc.
- Certificate of license to teach RITE in agency
- Accredited by IADLEST, highest standard of LE training
- Implementation of RITE Tools for officer wellness and departmental accountability
*Register at least *(2) trainers for this class; Two are more effective and gives you the back-up trainer(s) if ever needed.
RITE in the Media:
RITE Articles to Learn from and Share:
- How Emotional Control Leads to Better Outcomes – Article Link
- Duty to Intervene during Block-out – Article Link
- Policing is affected by Officer Implicit Issues – Article Link
- 6 Signs a Bully is causing your Workplace Harassment Issues Article Link
- Professional Workplace Culture is Reducing Police Misconduct – Article Link
Who can attend?
- Law Enforcement Trainers
- Fire Department Trainers
- Corrections Trainers
2-Day Agenda:
7:45 Registration and Coffee
8:00 – 11:50 am Morning session
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch Break
1:00 – 4:00 pm Afternoon session
Contact info