In today’s policing, how an officer approaches a call is being scrutinized, examined, and investigated more than ever. Emotional Intelligence is rarely taught to cadets in the academy or for officers in-service, yet it is the officer’s emotions that can escalate the call unnecessarily, putting the agency on high risk. Failure to train your officers with EI tools increases police liability incidents and risk to the agency and potentially the city.
Accountability Standards Reduce Risk Mitigation
Does your department have accountability records showing required de-escalation communication Tools with Emotional Intelligence Training to all of your officers?
By issuing ‘take-away’ tools as part of the training, you reinforce the training, and establish the ‘departmental standard’ that each officer is expected to use their Emotional Intelligence in the performance of their job.
Failure to issue EI Tools to each officer is a big ‘risk gap’ in today’s policing, and can increase an agency’s risk of officer-involved incidents. ~ Linda Webb
Imagine providing OSHA training on exposure to blood borne pathogens but not issuing the proper equipment after the training? You wouldn’t think of doing that… yet the truth is failure to provide emotional intelligence tools with de-escalation communication training, runs the risk that the training will not be retained, practiced, or used when needed the most.
PTSD Puts an Agency at Risk
High levels of stress can no longer be ignored by risk management. When officers experience long-term effects of PTSD, and no support is provided, that agency is at risk. Ultimately, failure to train and provide sufficient EI Tools may be exposing your agency to increased risk and liability. Emotional Intelligence training and tools can help the officer reduce PTSD, while giving them techniques and tools to use in their everyday lives for increased officer wellness.
From a risk management standpoint, issuing each officer an EI Tool after de-escalation communication training, is a two-prong approach;
- Show you care – Officer well-being matters: address PTSD, increase career resiliency
- Hold accountability – Training that give the officer accountable Tools for their emotions
You give your officers tactical weapons in order to protect the public physically, but what emotional intelligence tools have been ‘issued’ to each officer? Do you have proof that your agency provided not just de-escalation communication training, but also ‘issued’ EI Tools to use on-the-job, and beyond the training?
EI Tools Decreases Liability Risk
Emotional Intelligence Tools are just as important as tactical weapons and chances are they will use their EI Tools more than they will ever use their tactical weapons.
Police stats show that an officer will only use their tactical gear 5% or less on police calls, but yet 95% of the time, Emotional Intelligence Communication Tools will be used. If your department has not issued an Emotional Intelligence Tool with Training, it’s time.
RITE Academy’s Emotional Intelligence Tools, have proven to help reduce ‘Use of Force’ incidents and reduced police complaints by 60%, after one year of RITE implementation.
By issuing every officer EI Tools, a police executive can hold each of their officers accountable while setting a higher standard.
Like Chief Chitwood said to Malcolm Jenkins of the Eagles….
“I give each officer a tool, and I expect them to use them. If they don’t, we’ll have to take the appropriate action.”
“Police-community interaction is probably the biggest component that police have to face,” Chitwood says. “Whether they’re racial components, or dealing with the community as a whole, this kind of training can at least give you the tools to deal with the community in a more proactive way. I think if you look across the country, I think there needs to be more of this type of training.”
RITE Training helps officers de-escalate 95% of calls, by improving communication. Unique RITE Tools with EI & SI improves communication, builds Career resiliency, improves Department morale, and mitigates risk management. Check our EVENTS page for a training near you, or become a Host site! Contact