Lake County Sheriff’s Office, FL implemented the Racial Intelligence Course (RITE Training) in late 2016. In less than one year, use of force incidents have been reduced by 60%. Sgt. Fred Jones (RITE Team Trainer), says officers were given unique RITE Tools in class. These are for accountability and to provide a means to practice what they learned in class, use at home, and in the community. When you improve the officer’s life personally, the profession follows, and the community feels it!
Dramatic results of Complaint Reduction
Actual Stats: Road Patrol
2016 Before RITE Training
- 29 citizen complaints
- 16 investigated by Internal Affairs
- 6 found in violation of Policy
2017 After RITE Training
- 13 citizen complaints
- 4 investigated by Internal Affairs
- 0 found in violation of Policy
In 2017: Received 7 phone calls from citizens and 1 letter, PRAISING the professionalism of the deputies
Actual Stats: Detention
- 2016: 22 documented Use of Force
- 2017: 9 documented Use of Force
- Supervisors report Deputies using more verbal de-escalation and patience
Sgt. Fred Jones says the RITE Tools helped with officer accountability, and provided a means to practice the lessons beyond class. These stats showed our community, “We take training seriously, and we care about you”. RITE’s 3-prong approach works…
- Give the Officer tools for personal growth
- Improve Department morale
- Build Community relations
Sgt. Fred Jones received a call from an attorney who serves 3 counties with multiple jails and prisons.
“In all my years as an attorney serving multiple jails and prisons, I’ve NEVER seen this level of professionalism.”
RITE Training helps officers de-escalate 95% of calls, by improving communication. Unique RITE Tools with EI & SI improves communication, builds Career resiliency, improves Department morale, and mitigates risk management. Check our EVENTS page for a training near you, or become a Host site! Contact