“Mayor, New Police Chief, Police Department, and Community working together is a recipe for healing what may be broken. Way to take a pro-active response to repair and improve community relations….
Love of Cops, Coffee and Community, together in One Room
“This incredible opportunity, supported by The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, is one communities should not miss. “Coffee with a Cop” is a pro-active national initiative that…
Public perception of Times Square incident, lacks Racial Intelligence
“Public perception is at an all-time high. Police officer’s should want to represent themselves, their police department, and their community with the utmost ethics and integrity. When Racial Intelligence is lacking,…
Community Policing, Awareness, and Racial Intelligence
“New York Police commended for working on bridging the gap between police and their community. More effort must be done to include Racial Intelligence training. Improving communication between police and their…
“The Police are the Public; the Public are the Police” Sir Robert Peel quote
“The Police are the Public; the Public are the Police. The Police are paid to give full time attention to duties that are incumbent upon every citizen in the interest…
Changing public perception of police use of force
“Uniformed Statistical Reporting from all law enforcement agencies is needed in order for proper evaluation, and training methodologies to be developed to help police officers. More must be done to…
Teen Hero uses his Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, and Racial Intelligence
“Thinking of how others are feeling, in that moment, and how we can help them, especially in a pressure situation, is a true expression of Empathy. Malyk Bonnet used his Emotional Intelligence, Social…
Officers disciplined multiple times need Racial Intelligence training
“Police Officers with multiple disciplinary issues, need positive reinforcement, like racial intelligence training and coaching. In order to change unacceptable behavior, more should be done to help the police officer, than just negative disciplinary action….
Racial Intelligence supports the police and their communities
“Racial Intelligence needs to be embraced by both law enforcement and the communities they serve. Empathy Communication goes a long way in saying we care about everyone, and are grateful…
Emotional Awareness will determine your success – John Gottman Quote
“In the last decade or so, science has discovered a tremendous amount about the role emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional…
Every Life Matters
“Whether you support Black Lives Matter or His Life Matters, they all equal one common goal… Every Life Matters. It’s the RITE time to mend bridges between our communities and the…
Ethics and Integrity – Dash Cam Reveals the Truth
“Dash-Cams, smart phones, and Police Officer’s Body Cameras preserve the chain of events, for both the police and the community. The truth will come out eventually, especially with these devices that…
Racial Intelligence Training, is teaching police officers how to avoid the ‘Block-Out Syndrome’
“Fatal Police Shooting, Lack of Training, Officer Fired, Department Investigation, Community Uproar, Racially Diverse Suspect Killed, are just some of the unfortunate headlines lately. No matter what the media headline, it’s…
Increasing trust between the public and police with Racial Intelligence
“With the surge in settlements and court judgments in police misconduct cases, ‘racial profiling for profit’ is counter-intuitive. An iconic Benjamin Franklin quote laments this truth: “The only thing more…
“People fail to get along because they fear each other” – Martin Luther King Quote
“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated…
Professor’s View to Oversee Police Reform
“I agree with Ms. Engel that training, and police methodology needs to change. As an ex-cop, and founder of Racial Intelligence for Law enforcement, it’s evident that more time must…
“When you know it’s Right” – Rosa Parks quote
“You must never be fearful about what you are doing, when it’s Right.” – Rosa Parks
Former University of Cincinnati Police Officer – Act of racial intolerance?
“Police Officers across the nation, need to address racial intolerance in a whole new (traffic) light. It starts here, with departments embracing a powerful awareness mindset, bridging emotional and social intelligence…
Deaths by Police in the United States – Is it time for Racial Intolerance to get some Intelligence?
“Restoring community trust, along with enhancing our policing techniques is needed if we want to improve these statistics. Let’s have a unified message of doing the RITE thing, through Racial…
“The battles that count…” Jesse Owens
“The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself – the invisible battles inside all of us – that’s where it’s at.” – Jesse Owens
“We remain a nation still proudly practicing prejudice…”
“While we dance in the streets and pat ourselves on the back for being a nation great enough to reach beyond racial divides to elect our first African-American president, let…
When we Explore, we Dream, we Discover – Mark Twain
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from…
No, White People Will Never Understand the Black Experience
I could go on, but my point is this: I, a “nice white girl” from a loving Midwestern family raised in a legacy of tolerance, had no idea, zero idea, that a black man in the 20th century, in a place as progressive as Los Angeles, at a time when diversity and interracial relationships seemed commonplace, and with two people who were not involved in criminal behavior, could be so egregiously impacted by a police culture rife with profiling, bigotry and harassment. I didn’t know that, my white friends didn’t know that — the demographic of which I was a member didn’t seem to know that. Because we white people don’t experience that! At least, not unless we’re in the company of black people.
End Racial Profiling Act 2015: Democratic US Lawmakers Re-Introduce Minority Protections Bill
Original post By Aaron Morrison @aaronlmorrison on April 22 2015 Democratic lawmakers are making yet another attempt to pass legislation against racial profiling in local law enforcement. On Wednesday, Rep. John Conyers,…