Since the 2020 George Floyd incident, there has been much discussion regarding Police accountability culture. It’s a delicate balance to reduce misconduct, while improving agency culture and officer wellness. New…
Tag: Duty to Report Misconduct
Ignored PTSD and Career Trauma leads to Officer Misconduct
Mental stress of the job can bring anyone to their knees. You glass goes from mostly full, to half-empty, and for some… glass EMPTY. Thoughts of, “I’m not okay creep in,” yet you don’t know why, and you don’t know how to get help.
How Peer Support improves Officer Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing
This typical response of ‘living the dream’ can be heard by workers inside all public service agencies (Law enforcement, Fire, corrections, 911 operators, Sworn, nonsworn, and civilian staff).
Duty to Report Misconduct in Public Service
Public servants know who within their ranks are the unprofessional and often toxic employees. The oath to serve also means a ‘Duty-to-Report’ Misconduct.