High School Years
RSL 9-12 helps young students evolve into their adult years. This RITE Step Ladder is about learning more complex emotions to help students climb up the Ladder on their own. This Ladder consists of 12 rungs.
There’s so much to process coming into high school, mapping the way into their adult years. The pressure of a new school, and more work, can be high for many in high school. The HS Ladder helps the student navigate and negotiate their emotions in school, and for many years to come. Students learn to create better success when they do it from the Top of the Ladder. One side is English, and one side is Spanish.
This 12-rung wooden Ladder will grow with the older student as they progress in their high school years.
Emotions play a big part in the teenagers years and beyond.
This Ladder is key to helping the older student gain control and master their emotions in high school and beyond.
Learn how to order these Ladders for your school